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What Forbes Thinks You Should Do for Cold Outreach

Ever wonder how the billionaires do their cold outreach? Well Forbes has some ideas, and here they are:

Do: Personalize Your Outreach

One of the most important tips Forbes highlights is the importance of personalization. Blanket emails that look generic are often ignored. Take the time to research the recipient and tailor your message to their specific needs or interests. Showing that you’ve done your homework goes a long way in building rapport and increasing your chances of a response.

Don’t: Be Too Pushy

Aggressive or pushy sales tactics are a major turnoff. Forbes emphasizes the importance of being respectful of the recipient's time and avoiding the hard sell. Instead, focus on creating a dialogue and adding value from the start. Offer helpful information or insight that makes the recipient more willing to engage.

Do: Keep It Brief and Clear

When crafting your message, Forbes recommends keeping things concise. Busy professionals don’t have time to read long-winded emails. Get straight to the point, communicate your value, and make it easy for the recipient to understand why you're reaching out and what you're offering.

Don’t: Forget to Follow Up (But Don’t Overdo It)

Follow-ups can be effective, but there’s a balance. According to Forbes experts, a few polite follow-ups can be useful in keeping the conversation alive, but bombarding a prospect with constant messages will likely lead to frustration. Be patient and give your recipient time to respond.

Do: Focus on Value, Not Just the Ask

It’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing too much on what you want from the outreach. Forbes stresses the importance of emphasizing the value you can provide to the recipient. Whether it’s offering a solution to a problem, sharing industry insights, or providing a free resource, always aim to give more than you take.

Don’t: Overlook the Subject Line

Forbes experts underline the significance of a compelling subject line. Since this is the first thing the recipient will see, it needs to grab attention and convey the purpose of your email. A weak or unclear subject line can result in your message going straight to the trash folder.

Do: A/B Test Your Emails

Testing different variations of your cold emails can provide valuable insights into what works best for your audience. Forbes recommends experimenting with different subject lines, tones, and call-to-actions (CTAs) to find the most effective approach. Small tweaks can lead to significant improvements in response rates.

Don’t: Ignore Timing

Timing is everything, and Forbes advises paying attention to when you send your cold emails. Avoid sending emails at odd hours or on weekends when they’re less likely to be seen. Sending your message during business hours, particularly midweek, can increase the likelihood of it being opened and responded to.

Do: Include a Clear Call to Action

While your email should provide value, it’s also important to clearly state what you want the recipient to do next. Whether it’s scheduling a call or downloading a resource, Forbes suggests making your call to action easy to understand and actionable.

Don’t: Rely Solely on Email

Forbes points out that cold email outreach shouldn’t be your only strategy. Consider integrating other forms of outreach, such as phone calls, social media, or networking, to increase your chances of making a meaningful connection.

By following these best practices shared by Forbes, you can maybe cold outreach yourself to one of their lists. Remember cold outreach is only as good as you make it.