How To Guides

Best Strategies for Startups to Get Meetings with VCs through Cold Outreach

Any startup looking to scale is looking to secure venture capital funding. While warm introductions are a great way to get in the door, cold outreach is still an effective way to get a meeting. It is important that you approach this strategically, as cold outreach is all about getting attention.

Research and Target the Right VCs

Before you craft your cold outreach, it is important that you identify VCs that are the right fit for your business. Filters to use are industry, stage of growth, and market. Understanding what the VC is looking for will help in getting a meeting with a VC through cold outreach.

Personalize Your Outreach

A generic email is not the way to go. Personalization is every so important when trying to get meetings with VCs through cold outreach. Referencing specifics is a great way to show that you have done your research and are truly interested. It can also help in creating a conversation.

Write a Concise and Compelling Email

Keep your email short and to the point. VCs are busy, so structure your email clearly:

  • Subject line: Make it direct and attention-grabbing.
  • Introduction: Introduce yourself and why you’re reaching out.
  • Value proposition: State the problem your startup solves and why you’re uniquely positioned to tackle it.
  • Traction: Highlight key metrics that demonstrate growth or momentum.
  • Call to action: Politely request a brief call or meeting.

Focus on Your Unique Value Proposition

Your value proposition is important when getting meetings with VCs through cold outreach. You should ask yourself what differentiates your product and service? Highlight the strengths of your startup. This is one of the best strategies in getting meetings with VCs though cold outreach.

Leverage Social Proof and Traction

VCs want proof or traction that your product is a viable investment. In your cold outreach you should mention notable customers, partnerships, or milestones that your startup has had. No matter what it is, highlighting progress will help the validate your startup in the VC’s eyes.

Keep It Professional but Personal

It is important that when you are getting meetings with VCs through cold outreach, you are finding the happy medium between professionalism and personalization. A light human touch is good and makes the cold outreach feel less transactional, but don’t take it too far as so the VC doesn’t take you seriously. Establishing a personal connection is a great way of increasing the chances of getting a meeting with a VC through cold outreach.

Follow Up Strategically

VCs are extremely busy individuals. A well crafted email may go unnoticed for no reason. It is important that you follow up but also that you do it in a strategic manner. A week is a good time to look at sending a follow up email. You should mention your previous email and provide a brief update that reminds the VC of your startup. Make sure that you are not overly persistent in your follow up, this will only annoy the VC. A few thought out, well-timed follow ups are always better than sending a large amount of messages.

Use Multiple Channels

In addition to email, there are other avenues of getting meetings with VCs through cold outreach. You can engage in content that they post and leave thoughtful and relevant comments. This is a great way to build familiarity and increase your chances of landing a meeting. Using multiple channels will increase the chances of a VC noticing you.


Getting meetings with VCs through cold outreach is challenging but achievable with the right strategy. By targeting the right investors, personalizing your messages, focusing on traction, and being persistent, startups can improve their chances of securing a meeting. Cold outreach can open doors when done effectively, helping you build critical relationships with the right investors.