How To Guides

Engaging Cold Outreach Subject Lines: Capturing Attention in the Digital Age

So you want to make good cold email subject lines? Inboxes are becoming more and more competitive, and your subject line is an important factor in getting your emails opened. In this blog post we will delve into the different strategies of crafting engaging cold outreach subject lines. Through these tips you will be able to craft engaging subject lines that will drive your open rates.

The Importance of Subject Lines in Cold Outreach

Subject lines are one of the most important factors of your cold outreach efforts. Compare a subject line to a book cover or a storefront display, it is what your recipient is going to look at first, and if they aren’t interested from your subject line they probably won’t open your emails. Additionally a poorly crafted subject line may get you into a spam folder which will ensure that your email will never get opened. The challenge with creating engaging cold outreach subject lines is making sure that they resonate with your audience in a way that they will stand out in the inbox.

Understanding Your Audience

An important part of writing engaging cold outreach subject lines is connecting and understanding your audience. What are they looking for? How can you help them? Why would they want to read your email in the first place? By tailoring your subject lines to resonate with your audience you can increase the likelihood of them opening it because it is actually something that they are interested in.

The Power of Personalization

Another powerful tool is personalization. Similar to resonating with your audience, personalizing your subject lines (and emails as a whole) can help create a connection with your recipients.


  • "Trevor, Discover How to Triple Your Ad ROI"
  • "A Solution for Your Recent Inquiry, Trevor"

Creating a Sense of Urgency

Urgency is a great way to create action. Engaging cold outreach subject lines that create a sense of urgency can increase engagement because the recipient feels the need to look at the email right now because it is urgent.


  • "Limited Time Offer: Get 50% Off Today Only"
  • "Last Chance to Secure Your Spot in Our Webinar"

Utilizing Curiosity

Similar to urgency, curiosity can be a great way to get your recipient to open the email. Subject lines that tease the email in a way that creates a sense of curiosity are great ways to increase open rates. Humans are naturally curious, use that your advantage.


  • "You Won't Believe What We Discovered About SEO"
  • "A Secret Tool for Boosting Your Marketing Efforts"

Highlighting Benefits

While curiosity can be helpful, make sure that your subject lines aren’t too vague. Be sure that you are highlighting what is in it for the recipient. Give them a reason to open your email by showing them the benefits and help that you can offer.


  • "Increase Your Conversion Rates with These Simple Tips"
  • "Unlock Exclusive Insights to Grow Your Business"

Using Numbers and Lists

Numbers and list are a great way to grab attention. They are easy to digest and can allow the reader to understand the benefits very easily.


  • "5 Strategies to Improve Your Email Marketing"
  • "Top 3 Tools for Efficient Cold Outreach"

Keeping It Short and Sweet

As attention spans shrink, your subject lines also shrink. Your subject lines should be around 6-10 words or 50 characters in length. This will help make sure that all of your engaging cold outreach subject line is readable on any device, especially mobile devices.


  • "Boost Your Sales Today"
  • "Exclusive Offer Inside"

Testing and Analyzing

Testing is a great way to see if your engaging cold outreach subject lines are actually working. By testing different subject lines on a small sample of recipients allows you to look at the data and see which ones are getting the highest open rates. Then you can use those subject lines for your larger lists.

The Role of Emojis

Similar to numbers, emojis are a great attention grabber. They also give a touch of personality and visual appeal. You should, however, use emojis sparingly as they can come of spam-like at times.


  • "Unlock Your 🎁 Today!"
  • "🚀 Ready to Skyrocket Your Sales?"

Avoiding Spam Triggers

Being in the spam folder will never get you opens. That is why it is important to avoid words that trigger spam filters, such as “free,” “guarantee,” etc. Try creating genuine subject lines that create value.


  • Instead of "Free Offer Inside," try "Exclusive Offer Just for You"

Leveraging Social Proof

People love proof. That being said, recipients are more likely to open your email if they have proof that your product works. Show them in your subject lines that you have had success and would like to bring your success to them.


  • "Join 10,000+ Marketers Using This Tool"
  • "See Why Top Brands Trust Us"

Crafting Questions

Another great way to increase open rates is to engage your audience with questions. Provoking thought and curiosity are great way to get your recipient thinking about your product.


  • "Struggling with Low Engagement Rates?"
  • "What's the Secret to High-Performing Ads?"

Using Action-Oriented Language

Similar to questions, action-oriented language can make recipients take action.


  • "Discover the Secrets to Effective Cold Outreach"
  • "Learn How to Increase Your Open Rates"

Addressing Pain Points

Directly addressing your audience’s pain points in the subject line can immediately grab their attention. Show that you understand their challenges and have a solution to offer.


  • "Tired of Low Conversion Rates? We Can Help"
  • "Struggling with Time Management? Try This"

Offering Solutions

Position your email as a solution to a problem your audience is facing. Highlighting the solution in the subject line can make your email more appealing and relevant.


  • "Boost Your SEO with These Proven Strategies"
  • "Maximize Your ROI with Our New Tool"

Incorporating Humor

Humor can be a great way to capture attention and make your email memorable. A witty or funny subject line can stand out in a sea of serious emails, but it’s important to ensure it aligns with your brand and audience.


  • "We Can't Believe We Didn't Think of This Sooner"
  • "Our Marketing Team's Best Kept Secret (Until Now)"

Encouraging Interaction

Encouraging interaction in your subject line can increase engagement. Phrases like "join the conversation," "share your thoughts," and "tell us what you think" can invite recipients to participate.


  • "Join the Conversation on Marketing Trends"
  • "Tell Us Your Thoughts on Our New Feature"

Reflecting Current Events or Trends

Tying your subject lines to current events or trends can make them more relevant and timely. This can capture attention and make your email feel more immediate and important.


  • "How AI is Changing Marketing in 2024"
  • "Top Trends to Watch in Digital Marketing"

Highlighting Exclusivity

Exclusivity can create a sense of importance and urgency. Subject lines that emphasize exclusivity can make recipients feel special and privileged.


  • "Exclusive Invite: Join Our Beta Program"
  • "Be the First to Try Our New Feature"


Engaging cold outreach subject lines is an art. Through understanding your audience, personalizing your subject lines, using urgent vocabulary, creating curiosity, and highlighting the benefits of your product, you can create engaging subject lines that will capture attention and drive open rates. It is important that you test your subject lines for their effectiveness. Lastly, make sure that you are providing value for the recipient. That is the easiest way to get an open, by giving the recipient something that they need or want.

By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog post, you can start driving your open rates and improving your email marketing overall.